Real Voices, Real Cajun French
Help us build a living record of Cajun French, one call at a time.
Real Voices, Real Cajun French
Help us build a living record of Cajun French, one call at a time.
Help us build a living record of Cajun French, one call at a time.
Help us build a living record of Cajun French, one call at a time.
Cajun Call is a community-driven project dedicated to preserving and sharing the Cajun French language through spoken word.
With fewer fluent speakers each year, it's more important than ever to document and share this unique part of our heritage. By collecting and archiving recordings from real Cajun French speakers, we aim to make the language more accessible to learners while honoring the voices of those who keep it alive.
The idea is simple: anyone can call our phone number and leave a voicemail sharing a story, a favorite word or phrase, a joke, or anything in Cajun French or Franglais. These messages will become part of the archive here for learners and future generations.
Comme on dis toujours, lâche pas la patate !
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
We're actively gathering submissions! To ensure a rich and diverse collection, we'll launch the public archive once we receive enough recordings. In the meantime, you can help by leaving a message and spreading the word. Stay tuned here—new content is coming soon!
Just call 985-257-3337 and leave a voicemail in Cajun French or Franglais (or with Cajun French elements). Your message should be under 3 minutes. By leaving a message, you consent to it being shared publicly on our website.
No. Our number is set to go directly to our voicemail box so you can simply leave a message.
You can share anything meaningful to others seeking to learn or brush up on their Cajun French. This could be stories from your childhood, favorite Cajun sayings or phrases, family traditions, jokes, songs, or even just a greeting or word in Cajun French. If you're learning the language, feel free to practice!
When you call our number, the voicemail prompt will also provide some brief instruction before you begin your message. Please keep in mind that this resource is intended for all ages, so keep it clean and avoid using profanity or referencing adult themes. Messages with such content will not be published.
Absolument! We encourage multiple submissions over time, especially as we introduce new prompts. Just know that we will always take care to curate the best messages for the community, so due to volume we eventually may not be able to publish every message we receive.
Currently, no. In the future, and as resources allow, we may lightly edit for clarity, but the goal is to keep submissions as authentic as possible. This is about sharing real voices from real people.
That's okay! Cajun Call is for native speakers, learners, and those who just want to support our language's survival. Even if your message is mostly in English, incorporating a little Cajun French helps.
No. Only the audio of selected messages are published.
Yes. If you would like your message removed, just contact us and we'll take it down. Please keep in mind that it will be deleted permanently, so we will not be able to recover audio files once deleted.
Spread the word! Share this website or the phone number with friends and family, leave a message yourself, and engage with the community. If you'd like to contribute in other ways, please reach out to
Cajun Call is a volunteer-driven community project with plans to establish as a nonprofit. Our goal is to keep participation completely free and accessible.
If you're interested in helping with outreach, translating content, or technical aspects of the project, contact us! We'd love to have more hands on deck as we grow this resource. For now, you can get in touch by sending an email to
Copyright © 2025 Cajun Call - All Rights Reserved.